accountants ben cote core7 financial advsiors mark maiocca mark stiles mortgage originator realtor referrals Apr 07, 2018

So Mark, you execute Core7 to a tee.  Tell us about the amount of business you received from your Core7 team.  

 MM:  Yes Justin.  As a Mortgage Originator, my particular Core7 group was responsible for $250,000 of my income in the past year. 

 JB:  250,000, that’s fantastic.  Tell us about some of the highlights from all members and how they benefited.  Let’s go through that.

 MM:  Okay.  Well, a key thing to remember is that my team really works the Core7 System and follows the process.  So, let me start with me.  As the Mortgage Originator, I received $12 million in closed loans from my Core7 Real Estate Partner.  That’s $12 million in loan volume.    

 JB:  From one agent? 

 MM:  From one agent.  

 JB:  12 million from one agent. That’s fantastic.

 MM:  I received 7 million in closed loans from my Core7 Financial Advisor partner.    

 JB:  That’s phenomenal, and the Mortgage Originator isn’t even a primary target for the Financial Advisor. We’ll get more into primary and secondary targets later.  

 So Mark, how much did you receive from the rest of the group?

 MM:  Well, the rest of the group, other than the Realtor and the Financial Advisor, I received a total of another 6 million in closed loans from the rest of the group.

 JB:  So, let me see if my math is right.  You closed 25 million just from one Core7 group?

 MM:  Yep

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