Blog Post #9 The Referral Success of my Core7 Members

ben cote core7 mark maiocca mark stiles referrals Apr 09, 2018


JB:  Alright.  Let’s move on and discuss how your Core7 Financial Advisor did.  

 MM:  Alright, great.  Well, on top of the 50 referrals that he received from me the Mortgage Originator, our Financial Advisor received 9 solid referrals from the Accountant, as well as multiple referrals from the Real Estate Attorney, Estate Planning Attorney and the Property and Casualty Insurance Agent. 

 JB:  I’m sure the referrals from the CPA and the Estate Planning Attorney included a few larger cases, as they work with business owners who need more planning.

 MM:  Yeah.  Absolutely.  Those are the big home runs, obviously. 


 JB:  So, tell me about the P&C Agent.

 MM:  The P&C Agent received 53 referrals from the Mortgage Originator, Financial Advisor and the other professionals in the group.  

 JB:  Yeah, I would think these are pretty easy handoffs, especially during a home purchase. Let’s talk about the Estate Planning Attorney.  How did they do?


 MM:  The Estate Planning Attorney did fantastic. Our Estate Planning Attorney did Estate Plans for roughly 75% of the referrals that went to the Financial Advisor from all the professionals in the group.  A key statistic that we came up with is the average yearly income for each individual in the group was about $60,000.  

 JB:  That’s not a bad return for a $3,000 investment with Core7.  (Cost is much lower now)

 MM:  Absolutely.

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