core7 core7 referral system mark maiocca mark stiles Jul 16, 2018

Then there’s Saturdays accountability reminder.  Now you aren’t punching a clock. Let's call it Strategy Saturday.  Go through the accountability checklist for your profession and see if you are executing the system.  If you aren’t executing as well as you would like, then make a plan and hit Monday running.  Now you can go enjoy your weekend 😉

These Accountability reminders will go on for as long as you are a member. Eventually they will become 2nd nature. At this point your group will be functioning like well oiled machine for the benefit of the client.

Now if you are a Core7 Referral System member, watch all the training modules and learn the Core7 Referral Methodology. Professor Moc will give you all the content you need to succeed, but you need to do the work. This ensures accountability, and that the system is being executed. The consumer is the greatest beneficiary, as they're getting a full Core7 team to represent them.

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